LW Blog
Blog Posts
Blogs are written by Living Wholeness community members.
APPEARANCE: Looks can be deceiving
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on…
If you were seeing a doctor, would you like one with a great attitude but lacks knowledge and not very skillful? Or…
The Transforming Power of The Cross
The shape of the Cross illustrates the profound response from God to humanity—a response…
The Shape of the Pyramid
The shape of the pyramid is about relationships and community. Right at the very beginning in the…
Prose on Square
The CWF Shape of the Square, conceptualized by John Warlow, provides a valuable framework for assessing one’s relationship with God…
Through the Lens of the Circles: “God be the Center for “Who am I?”
The question of “Who am I?” seems a bit overwhelming…
The Power of the Triangle
The Triangle of Connection creates a powerful bond between God, others, and…
Healing that comes from a Christ-centred attitude to Evaluation
I consider myself a reflective person. Due to my rather difficult childhood, somehow quite naturally, I began the…
The Engage Help Step
I would like to share with you how important the Engage Step and the pyramid practically are for me: in my own life, in the small group (for vulnerable women)…
Living Wholeness gave us very practical tools that are profound and precise, and you taught us how to really be transformed. I felt like I wasn’t in a lesson or class but in a family.
– Tri, Leader, Nepal